attomol® Quicktype
Allele-specific PCR with gel evaluation
- capable and reliable assays for the identification of polymorphisms in human diagnostics
- minimal time and work required
- easy to use
- manual and automatic evaluation possible
attomol® Realtime LT
Real-time PCR with melting curves
- the same PCR prodocol for all parameters
- certain genotyping due to melting curve analysis
- minimal time and work required
- suitable for LightCycler®-Geräte: LC1.x, LC2.0, LC480
attomol® Realtime TM
Real-time PCR with hydrolyis probes
- the same PCR prodocol for all parameters
- uncomplicated genotyping by scatter plots
- minimal time and work required
- wide device compatibility
Nucleic acid extraction
attomol® Attosorb
attomol® Attosorb
- Quick DNA extraction directly in the plate
- Without centrifugation and magnet separation
- Compatible with all attomol® TM 2 and attomol® LT tests
attomol® Autoantibody Lineassay
Strip based immunoassay
attomol® Autoantibody Beadassay
Bead based immunoassay
- multiplex technology in microtiter plate format
- software based evaluation
- high sensitivity and specificity