attomol® PAI-1 Realtime TM 2

REF 1257

48 reactions

REF 1258

96 reactions

Intended purpose

The assay attomol® PAI-1 Realtime TM 2 is used for the supportive diagnosis of thrombophilia. This test can be used to determine the 4G/5G dimorphism in the promoter region of the human PAI-1 gene (rs1799889). It is a manual, qualitative, on hydrolysis probes based real-time PCR assay designed for various real-time PCR cyclers. The sample material has to be genomic DNA prepared from EDTA or citrate blood.

Field of application

The plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) neutralises the tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) during fibrinolysis. In this process, limited plasmin formation restricts the cleavage of fibrin. An excess of PAI-1 disturbs the fibrinolytic system because fibrin accumulates in blood vessels. Therefore, an enhanced plasma concentration of PAI-1 is under discussion as a risk factor for thrombosis [Sartori et al., 1998, Thromb Haemost, 80:956-960]. One reason for a PAI-1 excess in the plasma may be the 4G/5G dimorphism in the promoter region of the PAI-1 gene that is inherited autosomal-recessively. The polymorphism is caused by the deletion of guanine in the position -675 of the PAI-1 gene. The 4G allele causes enhanced gene transcription by only binding of transcription activator. In contrast, the 5G wild type allele also binds the repression factor. The loss of the binding of the repression factor to the 4G/4G genotype leads to a 25 % rise of the PAI-1 plasma concentration compared with carriers of the 5G/5G genotype [Kohler und Grant, 2000, N. Engl. J. Med., 342:1792-1801]. The prevalence of the 4G/4G genotype is between 28 and 31 % in the German, Austrian and Czech population [Katz, 2002, Contemporary Ob/Gyn Arch., 10:68-86].

Kit content
  • PCR-H2O
  • Premix PAI-1 TM 2
  • Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (2 U/µl)
  • instructions for use

You can find more informations about the TaqManTM-Technology here.

Short informations
DNA from blood
LightCycler® 480
Rotor-Gene® Q
peqSTAR 96Q
ca. 1,5 h
48 reactions
96 reactions

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